Upcoming Changes to the AWX Project

By Matthew Jones, Chief Architect, Ansible Automation at Red Hat

Back in 2013, a small team of engineers worked for over a year to make the first commercial release of Ansible Tower (before we expanded and evolved to Ansible Automation Platform) and during that time we put down the foundation of an application that I’m immensely proud of.

We, the original architects of Tower, were trying to find the best way to create a system that would allow running Ansible at scale for hundreds of thousands of servers. We wanted there to be a way to not just manage those servers but store the results of that automation and provide auditability and traceability. It needed to make Ansible functional for large teams and it succeeded.

Today, we’re not just talking about hundreds of thousands. We’re thinking in the millions and tens of millions, we’re managing automation for some of the largest IT organizations in the world. And we’re not just managing servers. In the intervening years we’ve been automating containers, cloud platforms, network devices, storage, IoT devices and PLCs (among other things). One of the main challenges that we’re facing is that some of the architectural decisions we made 10 years ago are still with us. We have a monolithic system that performs its job extremely well but can be very challenging to expand with new capabilities.

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Ansible Contributor Summit, Durham 2023

Ansible Contributor Summit, Durham 2023

Ansible contributor summit logo

The Ansible Contributor Summit is a full day working session for community contributors to interact with one another and meet with the Ansible development teams behind the projects like AWX, Galaxy NG, Molecule, Ansible Lint and Event-Driven Ansible. We will discuss important issues affecting the Ansible Community and help shape the future of collaboration.

We are happy to have the opportunity to do a second Contributor Summit this year, and this time it will be part of DjangoCon US 2023 in Durham, NC. Our previous experience co-locating the Contributor Summit with another related event was in February in Ghent, Belgium as part of CfgMgmtCamp 2023. It was so successful, we wanted to do it again with another great match.

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New Ansible Galaxy

New Ansible Galaxy

For awhile, the Red Hat Ansible team behind the components Ansible automation hub and Ansible cloud automation hub at console.redhat.com have been on a special ops mission to enhance the galaxy_ng code base that serves the aforementioned components to also serve galaxy.ansible.com, with the intention of replacing galaxy.ansible.com with a fresh code base.

Galaxy, a legacy far far away…

The current Galaxy service has been running at galaxy.ansible.com for many years and is hugely successful in the community. It drives and nurtures Ansible adoption by sharing prebuilt Ansible content that solves many automation challenges.

One of the statistics we are most proud of are the contributions of 33,965 individual automation answers by the community in either Ansible Content Collections or Ansible Roles. Some of the top ranking automation content includes AWS, VMware, Linux, and Windows. Community users are able to download content for free, self-supported and interact with authors via GitHub for any further help or enhancements.

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Ansible Community Day, Berlin 2023

Ansible Community Day, Berlin 2023

Ansible community day logo 

The Ansible Community Day is a new initiative by the Ansible Community Team at Red Hat to connect with the people using, contributing to, and developing the Ansible project worldwide. This new event complements the Ansible Contributor Summit, to put the users of Ansible in all their shapes and forms front and center.

In the last Ansible Community Day in Boston, the day right before AnsibleFest 2023, the community had the opportunity to meet in-person and get to know each other, learn a few things and share their knowledge using Ansible. It was such a great experience that we couldn't wait to have another. And here it is!

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